HSE Launches Updated Guidance on RIDDOR Notifications

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has made recent updates to its Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR) guidance. Although there are no legal updates to the process employers should still familiarise themselves with any changes as this will ensure that the correct processes are in place to comply with the updated guidance.

As part of the updates there are more direct links to the types of reportable incidents, making it easier to decide whether a report is required. As well as this, there is improved detail on who should and who should not report under RIDDOR. The updates also go into further detail about what is meant by a work-related accident, as well as when an occupational disease is not reportable along with increased clarity on when an ‘over-7-day’ absence should be reported.

There have also been changes made to the reporting forms such as questions concerning the severity of an injury have been moved closer to the beginning of the form to make it easier to decide whether the incident is reportable. If the incident is not reportable pop-up messages have been incorporated to redirect users. Guidance has also been improved to make the forms easier to use as well as incorporating additional gender boxes for those completing the form.

You can find more about the updated guidance here: HSE