World day for Health & Safety at Work and a minute silence for our key workers

Today is World day for Health and Safety at Work.  This is a significant day for us as we believe that there should be minimal injuries or deaths because of work.

Particularly, in the current extraordinary times around the world, key workers who are put their lives before patients are risking their own health with the coronavirus outbreak.

Today is the day to recognise these key workers for their national efforts which words truly cannot express.  We have to say that the HSE is making sure employers put sensible and pragmatic approaches in place, and keeping the guidance, based on science and evidence, updated.

Together with people who are affected by the coronavirus, it is important to remember those who died in 2019. The HSE has confirmed that 147 died in 2019, and they believe there should be no deaths.  This brings back to home why health and safety is important to everyone and we should remind ourselves of people who have died at work or because of work.  Health and safety is in place and is here to protect you and your work colleagues, our workforce.

We would like to share this message through all social media networks that as the HSE state ‘no-one should die because of work in Great Britain’. We hope you will help us spread this message to everyone using the hashtag #IWMD20.

We will also be observing a minute’s silence at 11am today to remember the people who’ve been made ill, injured or died from doing their job.

Stay safe, help reduce the risk and help protect your workforce