Why Choose MBO Safety Services?
- Our pass rates are in excess of 90%
- Delivered by Instructors who are Chartered members of IOSH
- Quality Assurance, course content very thorough and engaging, various teaching techniques used to deliver key points.
- Excellent training venues with complementary refreshments
- Course can be delivered at your premises for group bookings
Welcome to MBO Safety Services Limited E-Learning
MBO Safety Services Limited offer a vast selection of E-learning courses that are constantly updated to ensure that you are compliant with current laws and legislation's. Our E-Learning courses can be taken at a time to suit you, whether it’s in your office or at home, you can simply pick up from where you left off and continue the course at your own pace.
Courses we currently offer:
- Basic Legionella Management
- Asbestos Awareness
- Asbestos Awareness for Architects and Designers
- Level 2 Food Safety - Manufacturing
- Level 2 Food Safety - Catering
- Level 2 Food Safety - Retail
- Manual Handling
- Level 1 Food Safety - Manufacturing
- Level 1 Food Safety - Catering
- Level 1 Food Safety Retail
- Basic Fire Safety Awareness
- Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes
- Fire Marshal
- Fire Marshal for Care Homes
- Fire Extinguisher
- Facebook for Business
- Linkedin for Business
- Twitter for Business
- Social Media for Business
- Search Engine Optimisation for Business
- Display Screen Equipment Awareness
- Assessing Display Screen Equipment
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
- Abrasive Wheels
- Working at Height
- Emergency First Aid at Work - Online Annual Refresher
- Safeguarding Children
- Safeguarding Adults
- Working Safely
- Data Protection in the Workplace
- Conflict Resolution in the Workplace
- Equality, Diversity and Discrimination
- Stress Management
- Time Management
- Presentation Skills
- Leadership Skills
- Negotiation
- Project Management
- Customer Service
- Disciplinary Procedures
- Anti Harassment and Bullying
- Effective Delegation
- Introduction to the Safe Handling of Medicines
- Infection Control
- Understanding Your Role in Care
- Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
- Dementia Awareness
- Mental Health Awareness
- Prevent Duty
- Nutrition and Hydration
- End of Life Care
- Dignity and Privacy
- Positive Handling in Schools
- Your Personal Development
- Principles of Communication
- Person - Centred Care
- Handling Information in a Care Setting
- Achieving Food Hygiene Rating Level 5
- Learning Disability Awareness
- Sales Skills
- Developing Teamwork
- The Principles of Performance Management
- Allergen Awareness
- Introduction to HACCP Level 2
- Working in Confined Spaces
- CDM Awareness
- Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers
- Behavioral Safety
- Diabetes Awareness